Maple Syrup Recipies

Maple Syrup Recipies

Some of our Favorite Maple Recipes

Maple Walnut Sugar Cookies 12-16 cookies

1/4 cup Butter, melted 1/8 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 cup maple syrup 1/8 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 teaspoon salt

Combine maple syrup and butter. Sift flour with salt, soda, and baking powder. Blend with first mixture, then add nuts.

Maple Cream frosting (for single layer cake)

Our son’s birthday is during sap season and to this day he always has a carrot cake with maple cream frosting. We bring a half pound tub of maple cream to room temperature and stir it till it becomes spreadable. We drip and spread the cream over a carrot cake made in a bundt pan. If you want to be really decorative, we take whole nuts and raisins and decorate the frosted cake with them. There have never been leftovers and when we are busy with the syrup making, the maple cream is a nice time saver!

Sugar on Snow (serves 4)

We pack two cookie sheets and a pie plate with clean snow. Leave these prepped dishes out in the cold till the syrup is ready. In a pot put about one cup of maple syrup. With the aid of a candy thermometer you want to bring the syrup up to about 234 degrees. At that point (or if you don’t have a candy thermometer) you can use the pie plate full of snow to test the syrup. Take a serving spoon and ladle a little of the hot syrup onto the snow. If the syrup sinks into the snow then it is too thin. Cook it some more till the syrup stays on the surface of the snow and within minutes you can pry it out with a fork and it will be like clear taffy. Now you can get the cookie sheets and spoon the rest of the syrup onto the snow in “ribbons” or fun serving size shapes.

Maple Coated Popcorn

1 cup maple syrup

1 tablespoon butter

1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

About 4 cups popped popcorn

Heat syrup in a saucepan till it reaches about 238 degrees. Remove from heat, add the butter and salt and beat until the syrup thickens slightly. Pour the syrup mixture over the popped corn and stir to mix well. Let cool a little and enjoy!